
Over 20 Cholera Cases Confirmed in PKK/SDF Detention Camp


There have been 25 cases of cholera in the PKK/SDF administered Hol Detention Camp ,east of Hasakah, Syria the infected are 15 Syrian IDPs and 10 Iraqis. Conditions in the camp have previously been described as a “humanitarian disaster” by both the US government and numerous human rights organizations and an outbreak would be catastrophic.

Fears of an outbreak are justified and the conditions in the camp are ripe for the rapid and wide spread of the water borne disease. The SDF “Autonomous Administration” has already seen the death of at least 16 Syrians which suffer from corruption, negligence, mismanagement and which suffer from deteriorating health services.

Although none have died due to infection a 7-year-old child, Abdullah, a Russian national, was killed after being run over by a car belonging to the SDF inside Hol camp.

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