All Eyes are on Idlib, Syria Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a pivotal day for Idlib Syria and it’s embattled leader Abu Muhammad Jolani.  Protests have been violently dispersed twice in the last two weeks. Each time the protesters were beaten and attacked by knife wielding security forces, as was the case at the sit in of the Military court, the following protests saw more attendees than the previous one.

Allegations have also been rampant that HTS has ordered the Shaykhs who are prevalent in the Idlib areas to remain at home, such as is the reported case of Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Al Mahdi.  Security agents are said to be stationed outside his home.

The worrying aspect of the coming days is that Abu Muhammad Jolani literally has no place to go should protesters succeed in his ouster. He is an internationally wanted criminal and would be hard pressed to find a country willing to accept and protect him from international warrants.  Staying inside the territories of Idlib may not be a better choice either as he has numerous complaints that would be levied against him, possibly keeping him in prison for the rest of his life if he isn’t sentenced to death for the murder of countless prisoners.  This leads people to believe that Jolani will not go quietly and that a bloody confrontation may be inevitable at some point.

Prominent Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Sadiq has warned HTS soldiers against being used as tools against those rising up against oppression. He has also cautioned them not to use their armored vehicles to crush demonstrators or to employ knives and batons against them. 

Abu Mohammed Jolani has ordered his militias to encircle the town of Jisir Shughur and erect barricades in anticipation of tomorrow’s scheduled protests. Additionally, Jolani has commanded senior HTS commander ‘Abu Hassan 600’ to put all military soldiers on standby to disband the upcoming demonstrations.


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