Scholars in Idlib Respond to HTS Attacks on Protesters

Yesterday peaceful protesters were knifed and beaten by Abu Muhammad Jolani’s security forces in Idlib, Syria yesterday. They were protesting what they said were practices of unjust detainment of dissenting voices, torture of detainees, and execution of prisoners without trial. This is the statement released by several prominent scholars in Idlib.

Statement from the Scholars and Sheikhs Regarding the Incident of Dispersing the Sit-In in the City of Idlib

Praise be to Allah, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, and upon his family and companions.

From Hudhaifah bin Al-Yaman, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘Enjoin good and forbid evil, or Allah will appoint over you a tyrant who will not respect your elders or show mercy to your young. Then you will call upon Him, but He will not respond to you.'” (Sunan Ibn Majah 4004)

What we witnessed today in the city of Idlib fills our hearts with sorrow over what happened in the blessed land of the Levant. The suppression of peaceful demonstrators by force of arms and the attack on them with gunfire caused many injuries among them. This peaceful sit-in was demanding the release of detainees from prisons and a fair trial for those unjustly detained.

In light of what happened today, we emphasize the following:

First: The sanctity of the Muslim’s blood, honor, and property, and that attacking Muslims with weapons, whether they are civilians or soldiers, is a grave sin and does not please Allah Almighty.

Second: The necessity of working to remove the causes that led to the situation in the public squares, including the absence of Shura (consultation), the spread of injustice, the prevalence of tyranny, and the rule of ignorance.

Third: The importance of preserving the dignity of Muslims and their rights in giving advice and demanding justice by releasing the oppressed detainees. If oppression is not lifted from an ummah, it will face trials that threaten its survival, as the history of the nations that suffered from oppression and injustice shows.

Fourth: Reminding the mujahideen to fear Allah in preserving their cause, unity, and not turning towards internal conflicts, regardless of their stance. The sanctity of the Muslim’s blood is greater in the sight of Allah than the sanctity of the Ka’bah.

Signed by:

  • Sheikh Abdul Razzaq Al-Mahdi
  • Sheikh Abu Al-Walid Al-Hanafi
  • Sheikh Abu Harith Al-Masri
  • Sheikh Abu Malik Al-Tali
  • Sheikh Al-Zubair Al-Ghazzi

Date: 06/05/2024 (corresponding to 17/11/1445 AH)


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