HTS Forces Attack Protesters Calling for Justice in Idlib

Peaceful protesters who have been protesting in the area around the Military court in Idlib, Syria were viciously attacked this afternoon. They are protesting the continued practice of unjust detention and executions without trial carried out by HTS leader Abu Muhammad Jolani and his security forces.

This afternoon following midday prayers HTS forces gathered around the protesters and attacked. At least one person, Abu Waleed Hanafee who was one of the protesters, was shot by Jolani’s forces.

Abu Waleed Hanafee

Muslim women were also a part of the demonstrations which have been growing in number and was seeing thousands of both foreign Mujahideen and their Syrian counterparts protesting together. Yesterday there were negotiations between a delegation representing the protesters and HTS officials. However, the talks were inconclusive and today the demonstration was violently disrupted.


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