Military Court Issues Ruling in the Assassination of Activist Mohammed Abdul Latif Abu Ghanoum and His Pregnant Wife

The military court today issued a ruling in the high-profile case of the assassination of activist Mohammed Abdul Latif Abu Ghanoum and his pregnant wife, who were tragically shot and killed in 2022 in the city of Al Bab. This case has drawn significant attention both locally and internationally.

The head of the military court, Jamal Ashqar, read out the sentence in a crowded courtroom in Ra’ee, Syria to the perpetrators who were present by way of video link in a remote location. The three individuals were judged to be guilty and to be put to death by hanging for their roles in the premeditated murder. The condemned are:

  • Anwar Al-Salman from Homs, Al-Bayada, a member of the Al-Hamza Division.
  • Mohammed Al-Aqil Ibn Haytham from Deir Ezzor.
  • Mohammed Al-Mughayer from Deir Ezzor, who is a commander of a brigade in the Al-Hamza Division.

These individuals have the right to appeal the verdict, offering them a final chance to contest the court’s decision.

In addition to these sentences, Murad Khalilo from Al-Bab was sentenced to three months in prison for failing to inform authorities about the murderers.

The family of Abu Ghanoum has expressed their determination to seek justice. Despite being offered payment to drop the case against the perpetrators, they have steadfastly refused, insisting that justice must be served for their son and his wife.

This ruling marks a significant moment in the ongoing struggle for justice and accountability in Syria, particularly for those who have been targeted for their activism and efforts to speak out against injustices. After activists and local citizens waited for several weeks after the murders for information regarding the case, they decided to protest. However the protesters were met with droves of security personnel on the streets of Al Bab. Some were beaten and some were sprayed with pepper spray to disperse the crowd. The path to today’s ruling has been a long and daunting one.

While this is a victory for the families of the assassinated, many are still feeling that those who ordered the killings are still at large and those sentenced today are only the foot soldiers.

As the legal process continues, with the possibility of appeals, the eyes of many remain fixed on the outcome of this case, which has become emblematic of broader issues of violence and impunity in the region.


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