
Drone Warfare Give Resistance Groups Worldwide a Fighting Chance
Drone Warfare Give Resistance Groups Worldwide a Fighting Chance

We are living in a jungle. Do not allow anyone to deceive you into thinking otherwise. Some time ago western politicians were able to deceive the Muslim Ummah into accepting the status quo.  They would use terms like “international law” and “United Nations” and other terminologies to delegitimize Muslim’s just struggle against oppression. That should […]

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Palestinians Only have One Option
Palestinians Only have One Option

Why did Hamas carry out October 7th? To find the answer, you need not look further than a vote that took place in Washington, DC yesterday that received little fanfare.  After the ICJ found that there is a “plausible genocide taking place in Gaza”, after more than 36,000 Palestinians have been killed (75% of them […]

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Intensified Clashes in Gaza: Palestinian Resistance Forces Target Israeli Military Assets
Intensified Clashes in Gaza: Palestinian Resistance Forces Target Israeli Military Assets

Over the past 24 hours, several significant attacks were carried out by Palestinian resistance forces against Israeli forces in Gaza. On a particularly heavy day of conflict, Hamas and other resistance groups executed multiple operations targeting Israeli military assets. The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, conducted operations in the Jabalia refugee […]

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Declining Morale and Rising Frustration in Israel’s Army
Declining Morale and Rising Frustration in Israel’s Army

A survey carried out by the IDF Manpower Directorate in May, as reported by Ynet and “Yedioth Ahronoth,” revealed a notable decline in career officers’ willingness to stay in service. Only 42% expressed a desire to continue their military careers, down from 49% in August 2023. The decrease, occurring after nearly eight months of an […]

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Why are Hungry Palestinian Refugees Leaving Food in their Houses?
Why are Hungry Palestinian Refugees Leaving Food in their Houses?

Virtually the entire population of Gaza has been displaced. A famine has settled in many quarters of Gazan society according to almost all international aid organizations. Yet, Palestinians are leaving behind food in a house they are abandoning. Why?? The answer lies in this video clip

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Egyptian Soldier Killed at Rafah in Border Shooting Incident
Egyptian Soldier Killed at Rafah in Border Shooting Incident

The Egyptian army announced on Monday that a soldier was killed in a shooting near the border with the Gaza Strip. The fallen soldier, identified as 22-year-old Islam Ibrahim Abdel Razeq, succumbed to injuries sustained during the clash. Islam’s death marks the second loss for the Egyptian Army in just two days. Abdullah Ramadan, also […]

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Israeli Soldiers Captured and Killed in Gaza
Israeli Soldiers Captured and Killed in Gaza

It appears from the recent uptick in videos released by the Palestinian resistance that the war is not going well for the Israeli’s. Hamas posted a video of an Israeli soldier bloodied and being dragged away. It was said that there were 16 Israeli fighters in the group and that they were lured into an […]

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The ongoing investigation of Israeli war crimes
The ongoing investigation of Israeli war crimes

The International Criminal Court (ICC)’s investigation into Israeli actions has been ongoing since 2021, focusing on war crimes committed by Israeli forces. The court’s current interest has been heightened by the recent escalation of violence starting in October 2023.  Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan has stated that his office is “deeply concerned” about the reported bombardments […]

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ICC Announces Applications for Arrest Warrants
ICC Announces Applications for Arrest Warrants

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity

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May 18th Attacks on Israeli Forces
May 18th Attacks on Israeli Forces

The Google map below with the blue pin marks show that resistance attacks are taking place throughout Gaza. According to the Palestinian resistance, the following operations were carried out. We at OGN work to authenticate our postings of attacks to bring you authentic news and we find the following list plausible. Palestinian Resistance Operations on […]

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