
Female Protester Rammed and Run over by HTS Security at Rally
Female Protester Rammed and Run over by HTS Security at Rally

Video testimony of the young woman who was run over by HTS security personnel at yesterday’s demonstration in Idlib, Syria to free unjustly imprisoned detainees.

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Major Changes Seem Inevitable in War Torn Syria
Major Changes Seem Inevitable in War Torn Syria

Mass protests continue to rage in Idlib, Syria six months on. The people are determined to rid themselves of the rule of HTS strongman Abu Muhammad Jolani. The situation in the Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch territories is quieter but not by much. Unknown assailants attacked the Hukumah Muaqata government offices in Azaz today. Anti-Turkish […]

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Muhajireen in Syria: 13 Years Later
Muhajireen in Syria: 13 Years Later

13 years have passed since foreigners came flocking to Syria to assist the people in their fight for freedom. Where are they now? What’s life like for them?  If they had it to do again would they still come? Join the discussion on OGN this Saturday at 10pm Syrian time/8pm London time. Simply click this […]

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“Children are Kept in the Same Cells as the Men in Idlib”
“Children are Kept in the Same Cells as the Men in Idlib”

Yesterday HTS’ security men at the order of Abu Muhammad Jolani went on a spree. They detained scores of activists whom exposed and highlighted HTS shocking crimes in Syria. Some of them were those who were just recently released from prison. Amongst them was Shaykh Abu Shuayb Misree whom was just released from HTS custody […]

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Idlib’s Continuous Decent into Chaos
Idlib’s Continuous Decent into Chaos

Shaykh Abu Shuayb Misree and Issam Khateeb were two outspoken critics of Abu Muhammad Jolani’s policies and his treatment of prisoners and the Syrian people in general. Then in October 2023 both of them who were in semi-hiding in the city of Azaz, Syria were both abducted as they walked home from Jumua’h prayers on […]

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The State of the Jumuah Khutbah in Idlib
The State of the Jumuah Khutbah in Idlib

Listen to the 3 minute Khutbah that led to Shaykh Abu Qais Masri’s being pulled off the minbar and arrested by HTS security. The pulpit of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) is the source of the call and the voice of the caller who follows the Messenger of Allah (peace […]

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Murder in HTS Territory Raises Tensions to an all Time High
Murder in HTS Territory Raises Tensions to an all Time High

On May 27, 2024, a murder occurred in Jisr al-Shughur in the Idlib countryside. The victim was Abu Omar Mustafa Sio whom was working in the ranks of the Ministry of the Interior of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.

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All Eyes are on Idlib, Syria Tomorrow
All Eyes are on Idlib, Syria Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a pivotal day for Idlib Syria and it’s embattled leader Abu Muhammad Jolani.  Protests have been violently dispersed twice in the last two weeks. Each time the protesters were beaten and attacked by knife wielding security forces, as was the case at the sit in of the Military court, the following protests saw […]

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Protests in Idlib Rage as HTS Scrambles for a Solution
Protests in Idlib Rage as HTS Scrambles for a Solution

Recent protests against Abu Mohammad Jolani, the leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), have intensified in Idlib and surrounding areas. The demonstrations, ongoing since February, were sparked by the death of Abdulqadir Alhakim, who was tortured to death in an HTS prison. His death ignited widespread anger and mobilized many to protest against HTS’s authoritarian […]

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Chaos Reigns as Crackdown on Protesters in Idlib Continues
Chaos Reigns as Crackdown on Protesters in Idlib Continues

Gang beatings, arrests, and pandemonium have greeted protesters in Idlib city today at the hands of HTS security forces. Protesters are particularly charged due to the violent crackdown inflicted upon them several days ago by knife wielding agents of HTS strongman Abu Muhammad Jolani. Several protesters were stabbed in the head and one woman was […]

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