HTS Propagandists Embarrassed by  Prisoner Release
HTS Propagandists Embarrassed by Prisoner Release

Initially, Abu Mahmoud Filastini, a staunch HTS supporter based in London and a point of reference for journalist Abdussamed Dagül, strongly condemned the kidnappings of Sheikh Abu Shuaib Masri and Isaam Khateeb. He even voiced support for HTS taking control of the areas where the ex-detainees were abducted, unaware that HTS themselves were responsible for […]

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Chaos Reigns as Crackdown on Protesters in Idlib Continues
Chaos Reigns as Crackdown on Protesters in Idlib Continues

Gang beatings, arrests, and pandemonium have greeted protesters in Idlib city today at the hands of HTS security forces. Protesters are particularly charged due to the violent crackdown inflicted upon them several days ago by knife wielding agents of HTS strongman Abu Muhammad Jolani. Several protesters were stabbed in the head and one woman was […]

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