Russia is Eyeing a Major Role in Sudan

The visit of Sudanese Deputy Chairman of the Sovereign Council Malik Agar to Saint Petersburg for the 27th Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum is a significant event that highlights the evolving geopolitical dynamics in the region. Accompanied by key ministers from Foreign Affairs, Finance, and Minerals, Agar’s mission aims to strengthen bilateral relations with Russia amid ongoing discussions about establishing a Russian naval logistical support centre on the Red Sea.

This visit is particularly notable due to recent reports indicating that the Sudanese army is considering this proposal in exchange for weapons and ammunition. This development marks a significant shift in Sudanese policy since the fall of the previous regime and underscores Sudan’s strategic interests and efforts to bolster its defense capabilities amid ongoing internal conflicts.

A key aspect of Agar’s visit will be his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. They are expected to discuss a wide range of issues, including the ongoing conflict in Sudan and its broader regional and international implications. This meeting signifies the importance both nations place on their bilateral relations and strategic cooperation.

Member of the Sovereign Council and Assistant Commander of the Army Yasir al-Atta previously confirmed Russia’s request for the naval base and highlighted the potential agreements involving military support. These discussions indicate a strategic realignment in the region’s geopolitical landscape, influenced by the continuing conflict with the Rapid Support Forces.

Agar’s participation in the forum and the potential agreements with Russia could have significant implications for Sudan’s future, influencing its political, economic, and military strategies. This visit and the resulting negotiations will be closely watched by regional and international stakeholders.


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