Major Escalation in Idlib: Opposition calls for Mobilisation

In a significant development today, the de facto authority’s security forces carried out a series of arrests targeting key figures of the revolutionary movement in Idlib. Among those detained were Abdullah Al-Nazal, a member of the administration council, Farouq Khushish, Adam Suleiman, Ahmed Al-Shaghouri, and Umayma Sayed Youssef. These arrests followed a day of peaceful civil demonstrations in the liberated areas, reflecting a mounting tension between the authorities and the revolutionary activists.

Adam Suleiman was arrested in Jisr Shugur while on his motorcycle on his way to Jumuah prayers. A security force driven Sante Fe four door sedan bumped into Suleiman knocking him off the back onto the pavement. A group of HTS security members exited the vehicle with sticks and rods and commenced to beating the downed Suleiman. They bundled him into the waiting car and sped off.

The Revolutionary Movement Assembly responded swiftly, condemning the actions of the security forces and announcing a cessation of all communication and dialogue with the military and mediatory forces. They emphasized that these arrests represent a blatant provocation and undermine efforts for community dialogue and peace.

In response to the escalating situation, the Assembly has called for comprehensive civil disobedience, starting from tomorrow morning. The planned actions include:

  1. Mass Demonstrations: Protests will be held in all liberated areas to show solidarity and demand the release of the detained activists.
  2. Sit-ins with Vehicles: Demonstrators will sit in their cars at key roundabouts in Idlib, Sarmada, and Kafranbel for half an hour daily.
  3. Protests at Bab al-Hawa Crossing: A critical point of passage and symbolic location for the movement.
  4. General Strike: All shops in the liberated areas will be closed to apply economic pressure on the authorities.

The Assembly has reiterated that these measures of civil disobedience and peaceful protests are legitimate means to exert popular pressure on the authorities. They have assured that all escalation measures will cease if the detained individuals are released promptly.

Among the notable arrests were those of prominent activists Yahya Sayed Youssef and Rami Abdul Haq. The detentions of these respected figures have sparked a call to action among the people of Idlib, urging them to rise against the oppressive measures.

In a heartfelt plea, the Revolutionary Movement has called upon all residents of the liberated areas, particularly the people of Idlib city, to mobilize and demand the immediate release of the detainees. They emphasize that this is a critical moment to choose between living under the oppression of the current regime or striving for freedom and justice.

The situation remains tense, and the coming days will be crucial in determining the direction of the civil resistance in Idlib.


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