Egyptian Soldier Killed at Rafah in Border Shooting Incident

The Egyptian army announced on Monday that a soldier was killed in a shooting near the border with the Gaza Strip. The fallen soldier, identified as 22-year-old Islam Ibrahim Abdel Razeq, succumbed to injuries sustained during the clash. Islam’s death marks the second loss for the Egyptian Army in just two days. Abdullah Ramadan, also 22 years old, was killed the previous day.

“The Egyptian Armed Forces are conducting an investigation by the competent authorities regarding the shooting incident in the border area in Rafah, which led to the martyrdom of one of the personnel in charge of security,” a military spokesman stated.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army reported that an exchange of fire had occurred with Egyptian forces at the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza. “A few hours ago, there was a shooting incident on the Egyptian border, the (incident) is under investigation. Dialogue is taking place with the Egyptian side,” the Israeli army mentioned in a statement, indicating ongoing communication between the two nations.

Islam Ibrahim Abdel Razeq, who served in the infantry, was nearing the end of his conscription period, with only six months remaining until his expected completion in December 2024. Initial reports received by OGN is that Islam engaged Israeli forces out of frustration of seeing his fellow Muslim brothers and sisters killed just a few meters away by Israeli forces.


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