
May 18th Attacks on Israeli Forces
May 18th Attacks on Israeli Forces

The Google map below with the blue pin marks show that resistance attacks are taking place throughout Gaza. According to the Palestinian resistance, the following operations were carried out. We at OGN work to authenticate our postings of attacks to bring you authentic news and we find the following list plausible. Palestinian Resistance Operations on […]

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Video Evidence: HTS tries to run over Protesters
Video Evidence: HTS tries to run over Protesters

In video evidence emerging it appears that HTS security personnel have made multiple attempts to run over protesters with armoured vehicles

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Chaos Reigns as Crackdown on Protesters in Idlib Continues
Chaos Reigns as Crackdown on Protesters in Idlib Continues

Gang beatings, arrests, and pandemonium have greeted protesters in Idlib city today at the hands of HTS security forces. Protesters are particularly charged due to the violent crackdown inflicted upon them several days ago by knife wielding agents of HTS strongman Abu Muhammad Jolani. Several protesters were stabbed in the head and one woman was […]

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Idlib, Syria Tense as Protests Grow
Idlib, Syria Tense as Protests Grow

Several protesters were stabbed in the head by knife wielding security officers during the break up of the sit in that took place at the military court. Several women were also assaulted by security officers including protester Rehab Eisa who was stabbed in the abdomen and back.

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HTS Shaykhs Denounce Attacks on Protesters
HTS Shaykhs Denounce Attacks on Protesters

A group of HTS Shaykhs have spoken against the attacks carried out on peaceful protesters yesterday that were calling for justice for detainees in Abu Muhammad Jolani’s prison. This is their statement:

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May 14th Military Operations Targeting Israeli Forces
May 14th Military Operations Targeting Israeli Forces

Below is a list of attacks carried out by Palestinian resistance fighters on Israeli forces in Gaza on the 14th of May, 2024. Lost in the Gaza conversation is the level of resistance the Palestinian fighters are putting up:

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Scholars in Idlib Respond to HTS Attacks on Protesters
Scholars in Idlib Respond to HTS Attacks on Protesters

Yesterday peaceful protesters were knifed and beaten by Abu Muhammad Jolani’s security forces in Idlib, Syria yesterday. They were protesting what they said were practices of unjust detainment of dissenting voices, torture of detainees, and execution of prisoners without trial.

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HTS Forces Attack Protesters Calling for Justice in Idlib
HTS Forces Attack Protesters Calling for Justice in Idlib

Peaceful protesters who have been protesting in the area around the Military court in Idlib, Syria were viciously attacked this afternoon. They are protesting the continued practice of unjust detention and executions without trial carried out by HTS leader Abu Muhammad Jolani and his security forces. This afternoon following midday prayers HTS forces gathered around […]

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