
Egyptian Soldier Killed at Rafah in Border Shooting Incident
Egyptian Soldier Killed at Rafah in Border Shooting Incident

The Egyptian army announced on Monday that a soldier was killed in a shooting near the border with the Gaza Strip. The fallen soldier, identified as 22-year-old Islam Ibrahim Abdel Razeq, succumbed to injuries sustained during the clash. Islam’s death marks the second loss for the Egyptian Army in just two days. Abdullah Ramadan, also […]

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Murder in HTS Territory Raises Tensions to an all Time High
Murder in HTS Territory Raises Tensions to an all Time High

On May 27, 2024, a murder occurred in Jisr al-Shughur in the Idlib countryside. The victim was Abu Omar Mustafa Sio whom was working in the ranks of the Ministry of the Interior of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.

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Israeli Soldiers Captured and Killed in Gaza
Israeli Soldiers Captured and Killed in Gaza

It appears from the recent uptick in videos released by the Palestinian resistance that the war is not going well for the Israeli’s. Hamas posted a video of an Israeli soldier bloodied and being dragged away. It was said that there were 16 Israeli fighters in the group and that they were lured into an […]

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Major Escalation in Idlib: Opposition calls for Mobilisation
Major Escalation in Idlib: Opposition calls for Mobilisation

In a significant development today, the de facto authority’s security forces carried out a series of arrests targeting key figures of the revolutionary movement in Idlib. Among those detained were Abdullah Al-Nazal, a member of the administration council, Farouq Khushish, Adam Suleiman, Ahmed Al-Shaghouri, and Umayma Sayed Youssef. These arrests followed a day of peaceful […]

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All Eyes are on Idlib, Syria Tomorrow
All Eyes are on Idlib, Syria Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a pivotal day for Idlib Syria and it’s embattled leader Abu Muhammad Jolani.  Protests have been violently dispersed twice in the last two weeks. Each time the protesters were beaten and attacked by knife wielding security forces, as was the case at the sit in of the Military court, the following protests saw […]

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Military Court Issues Ruling in the Assassination of Activist Mohammed Abdul Latif Abu Ghanoum and His Pregnant Wife
Military Court Issues Ruling in the Assassination of Activist Mohammed Abdul Latif Abu Ghanoum and His Pregnant Wife

The military court today issued a ruling in the high-profile case of the assassination of activist Mohammed Abdul Latif Abu Ghanoum and his pregnant wife, who were tragically shot and killed in 2022 in the city of Al Bab. This case has drawn significant attention both locally and internationally. The head of the military court, […]

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The ongoing investigation of Israeli war crimes
The ongoing investigation of Israeli war crimes

The International Criminal Court (ICC)’s investigation into Israeli actions has been ongoing since 2021, focusing on war crimes committed by Israeli forces. The court’s current interest has been heightened by the recent escalation of violence starting in October 2023.  Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan has stated that his office is “deeply concerned” about the reported bombardments […]

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Why Syrians Will Not Be Mourning the Death of the Iranian President
Why Syrians Will Not Be Mourning the Death of the Iranian President

Today’s announcement of the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi in a helicopter crash in Azerbaijan has not evoked sorrow among many Syrians, largely due to the significant and controversial role Iran has played in supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Under Raeisi’s leadership, Iran continued its unwavering support for Assad’s regime, which has been implicated […]

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Protests in Idlib Rage as HTS Scrambles for a Solution
Protests in Idlib Rage as HTS Scrambles for a Solution

Recent protests against Abu Mohammad Jolani, the leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), have intensified in Idlib and surrounding areas. The demonstrations, ongoing since February, were sparked by the death of Abdulqadir Alhakim, who was tortured to death in an HTS prison. His death ignited widespread anger and mobilized many to protest against HTS’s authoritarian […]

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ICC Announces Applications for Arrest Warrants
ICC Announces Applications for Arrest Warrants

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity

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