
HTS Propagandists Embarrassed by  Prisoner Release
HTS Propagandists Embarrassed by Prisoner Release

Initially, Abu Mahmoud Filastini, a staunch HTS supporter based in London and a point of reference for journalist Abdussamed Dagül, strongly condemned the kidnappings of Sheikh Abu Shuaib Masri and Isaam Khateeb. He even voiced support for HTS taking control of the areas where the ex-detainees were abducted, unaware that HTS themselves were responsible for […]

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Idlib’s Continuous Decent into Chaos
Idlib’s Continuous Decent into Chaos

Shaykh Abu Shuayb Misree and Issam Khateeb were two outspoken critics of Abu Muhammad Jolani’s policies and his treatment of prisoners and the Syrian people in general. Then in October 2023 both of them who were in semi-hiding in the city of Azaz, Syria were both abducted as they walked home from Jumua’h prayers on […]

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Russia is Eyeing a Major Role in Sudan
Russia is Eyeing a Major Role in Sudan

The visit of Sudanese Deputy Chairman of the Sovereign Council Malik Agar to Saint Petersburg for the 27th Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum is a significant event that highlights the evolving geopolitical dynamics in the region. Accompanied by key ministers from Foreign Affairs, Finance, and Minerals, Agar’s mission aims to strengthen bilateral relations with Russia […]

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Palestinians Only have One Option
Palestinians Only have One Option

Why did Hamas carry out October 7th? To find the answer, you need not look further than a vote that took place in Washington, DC yesterday that received little fanfare.  After the ICJ found that there is a “plausible genocide taking place in Gaza”, after more than 36,000 Palestinians have been killed (75% of them […]

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Hezbollah Intensifies Attacks on Israeli Military Targets in Golan Heights
Hezbollah Intensifies Attacks on Israeli Military Targets in Golan Heights

In a significant escalation of hostilities, Hezbollah has launched a series of attacks against Israeli military assets in the Golan Heights. On June 3, 2024, the Lebanese militant group executed a coordinated multi-drone strike on an Israeli air defense outpost located in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The attack, which involved four drones, successfully hit its […]

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Intensified Clashes in Gaza: Palestinian Resistance Forces Target Israeli Military Assets
Intensified Clashes in Gaza: Palestinian Resistance Forces Target Israeli Military Assets

Over the past 24 hours, several significant attacks were carried out by Palestinian resistance forces against Israeli forces in Gaza. On a particularly heavy day of conflict, Hamas and other resistance groups executed multiple operations targeting Israeli military assets. The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, conducted operations in the Jabalia refugee […]

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HTS PR Stunt Backfires
HTS PR Stunt Backfires

A video statement has been released by members of HTS, operating previously in Daraa and now continuing their affiliation under Jolani in Idlib, assuming various roles, including within the security forces employing brutal tactics against the Syrian people. They pledged allegiance to Jolani, professing support for the Mujahideen, while accusing the Syrian opposition movement. Highlighted […]

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Declining Morale and Rising Frustration in Israel’s Army
Declining Morale and Rising Frustration in Israel’s Army

A survey carried out by the IDF Manpower Directorate in May, as reported by Ynet and “Yedioth Ahronoth,” revealed a notable decline in career officers’ willingness to stay in service. Only 42% expressed a desire to continue their military careers, down from 49% in August 2023. The decrease, occurring after nearly eight months of an […]

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Egyptian Soldier Killed at Rafah in Border Shooting Incident
Egyptian Soldier Killed at Rafah in Border Shooting Incident

The Egyptian army announced on Monday that a soldier was killed in a shooting near the border with the Gaza Strip. The fallen soldier, identified as 22-year-old Islam Ibrahim Abdel Razeq, succumbed to injuries sustained during the clash. Islam’s death marks the second loss for the Egyptian Army in just two days. Abdullah Ramadan, also […]

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Murder in HTS Territory Raises Tensions to an all Time High
Murder in HTS Territory Raises Tensions to an all Time High

On May 27, 2024, a murder occurred in Jisr al-Shughur in the Idlib countryside. The victim was Abu Omar Mustafa Sio whom was working in the ranks of the Ministry of the Interior of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.

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