
Why Egypt Will Not Come to Gaza’s Aid
Why Egypt Will Not Come to Gaza’s Aid

As the conflict in Gaza continues, many wonder why Egypt, a neighboring Muslim-majority country with historical ties to the Palestinian cause, remains non-confrontational towards Israel and refrains from more actively aiding Gaza.  After all it is home to Al Azhar University, one of the most prestigious Islamic universities in the Muslim world.  How is it […]

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Muhajireen in Syria: 13 Years Later
Muhajireen in Syria: 13 Years Later

13 years have passed since foreigners came flocking to Syria to assist the people in their fight for freedom. Where are they now? What’s life like for them?  If they had it to do again would they still come? Join the discussion on OGN this Saturday at 10pm Syrian time/8pm London time. Simply click this […]

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Drone Warfare Give Resistance Groups Worldwide a Fighting Chance
Drone Warfare Give Resistance Groups Worldwide a Fighting Chance

We are living in a jungle. Do not allow anyone to deceive you into thinking otherwise. Some time ago western politicians were able to deceive the Muslim Ummah into accepting the status quo.  They would use terms like “international law” and “United Nations” and other terminologies to delegitimize Muslim’s just struggle against oppression. That should […]

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