Drone Warfare Give Resistance Groups Worldwide a Fighting Chance

We are living in a jungle. Do not allow anyone to deceive you into thinking otherwise. Some time ago western politicians were able to deceive the Muslim Ummah into accepting the status quo.  They would use terms like “international law” and “United Nations” and other terminologies to delegitimize Muslim’s just struggle against oppression. That should have been expected.  After all, those same countries whom are working hard to be certain that no place on earth will be governed by Islamic law are those same countries dominating the international institutions that keep telling us that Islamic fighters are “terrorists” and those who identify with Islamic fighters are “terrorist sympathizers”.  Are there real terrorists that do crazy and outlandish acts of foolishness in the name of Islam? Absolutely! Then again there are countries who decimate large numbers of people in weak Muslim countries all in the name of “freedom” and “democracy” as well, but that doesn’t mean that everything that country or it’s people stand for is now null and void does it?

Muslim’s right to self determination is ignored internationally. Those installed in leadership positions in Muslim lands have no desire or motivation to responding to the real needs of the people they tyrannize. Actually the dictators dominating Muslim lands are only allowed to stay in power because they make sure that they fight any Islamic movement with anything and everything they have at their disposal. And if that isn’t enough, then those that installed them will supply them with more. 

Even Americans are now just waking up to the fact that AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is dominating their “democracy”. Did you know that in 35 of 50 US states independent contractors seeking to do business with state entities have to sign a contract with a clause saying they will not boycott Israel? 

The point here is that there are all sorts of movements happening behind the scenes and players whose names you will never know who are working day and night with billions of dollars at their disposal to make sure the status quo stays the way it is.  When was the last time you heard of US, UK, or other major western power unleashing a drone attack on anyone who wasn’t Muslim?  They have the strongest armies and a stranglehold on warfare technology. Until now.

Modern Drone Warfare

The modern era of drone warfare really began in the 1990’s with the US military’s Predator drone (MQ-1)).  It was initially used for reconnaissance mission in the Balkans.  However after 2001, they began arming it with hellfire missiles targeting Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  Then the drone program expanded exponentially.  

Then around twenty years ago other countries began developing their own drone programs.  Notably Turkey with it’s lethal Bayraktar TB2 and other drone programs such as those in Iran. Drone warfare has allowed non state actors like Hizbollah to present a real threat to it’s significantly more powerful neighbor Israel.  Drones are very cost effective and are much cheaper than manned aircraft.  It can also be operated remotely thus reducing the risk of casualties in those high risk operations.  Additionally drones are great for reconnaissance missions giving the operator an opportunity to have up to date information on the enemy in real time.

The Houthis in Yemen are not known to be a well funded and armed group. However due to their use of drones in their defense of Palestine they are able to attack even US and British ships en route to Israel. Just two days ago Hizbollah flew a drone undetected into Israeli airspace of the strategic port city of Haifa and streamed it online.  The drone broadcast to the world other sensitive military locations as well as the locations of some positions of Israel’s aerial defense systems. The broadcast lasted for a full ten minutes, embarrassing the Israelis and leaving a lasting impression on them that they are not invulnerable.

By most accounts, an all out war between Israel and Hizbollah would result in much destruction on the Lebanese side of the border. However it is also clear that all of Israel is at risk as well.  Not even their much touted Iron Dome and David’s Sling aerial defense systems were of any use against Hizbollah’s drones which probably cost only a few thousand dollars to make. Had their drones been weaponized then there would have been significant casualties on the Israeli side of the border. This message was received in Tel Aviv.

Drone warfare has now given smaller non state actors an opportunity to present a threat against bigger and more powerful foes. This is a significant development because strength is what acts as a deterrent for bigger more powerful animals from attacking you in the jungle.


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